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Exhaust adapter 45-63.5mm
Exhaust adapter 45-63.5mm
Exhaust adapter 45-63.5mm
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Exhaust adapter 45-63.5mm

Steel with aluminum alloy
Artikkelinumero: EVOAP2
Universal exhaust adapter from 45mm to 63.5mm
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Trygg e-handel

Trygg E-handel

Olemme sertifioituja Trygg E-handel -standardin mukaisesti

Universal exhaust adapter from TA Technix from 45mm to 63.5mm that assembles the exhaust system with the cylinder.

Have you bought a new exhaust system that does not fit your old cylinder? This is the perfect product for you. A simple adapter between the exhaust system and the cylinder's exhaust port.
Made of steel with aluminum alloy

Length: 125mm