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Basuri Musical Air horn 2.0
Basuri Musical Air horn 2.0
Basuri Musical Air horn 2.0
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Basuri Musical Air horn 2.0

Baby shark, Sandstorm, Levels and 16 others
Article number: TD30532214
12-24V, 6 horns 130db 19 songs
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Trygg e-handel

Trygg E-handel

We are certified with Trygg E-handel

  1. Tone-high low
    2. Baby Shark
    3. Freaks AKA When Mom Isn't Home
    4. Horse Riding
    5. Coffin Dance
    6. The Final Countdown
    7. Levels
    8. Savage Love
    9. If You're Happy And You Know It
    10. Sandstorm
    11. Bella Ciao
    12. Levan Polkka
    13. Mission Impossible
    14. La Cucaracha
    15. Happy Birthday
    16. Pirates Of The Caribbean
    17. Sky High
    18. TGV Airhorn